Member Benefits

Member Benefits

The International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) is a collaborative global membership and network, with members in over 70 countries around the world. We value and appreciate our members, and all that each member is doing to help shape, support, and to advance the field of positive psychology. That’s why we’ve put together a list of benefits for members — and the list continues to grow!

The following are exclusive benefits (only for IPPA members):

IPPA Engage Logo

The IPPA Engage platform is IPPA’s community (online) social network for members around the world to meet, share, learn, convene, and collaborate. Create a profile, find colleagues in the worldwide database, share your work and research, be part of the conversation, and much more. New members join the IPPA Engage platform every day!

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The IPPA Virtual Learning Library is a vital piece of the IPPA Engage (online social community) platform, featuring videos, interviews, recordings, and presentations – from fellow members, from some of our Divisions, from past events and programs, and more. The Learning Library provides members with access to these valuable learning resources for education, insight, and further professional development.

Additional member benefits include:

  • Membership in IPPA Divisions – opportunities to join a Division (special interest group, or SIG), where members collaborate on interdisciplinary projects such as sessions at an IPPA event or conference (including the World Congress), awards, publications, webinars, and more. IPPA Divisions focus on various areas, including: positive health and wellness, work and organizations, positive education, spirituality and meaning, positive clinical psychology, and a Division exclusively for student members.
  • Monthly News Round-Up (MNR) – a newsletter with information and news, educational updates, funding opportunities, events, scheduled webinar and Division-led programs, promotions, and more, from all across the field of positive psychology.
  • Special members-pricing to IPPA events, including the IPPA World Congress (which attracts thousands from around the world).
  • Opportunities to participate in year-round mentoring opportunities.
  • Be considered for one of the IPPA or Division-focused awards.
  • Access to scholarships and related information.
  • And so much more!